Three(ish) New Reads – March

Philip Roddis Just two reads this month. (You’ll see why when you clock the word count of the first one.) This past year I’ve been in an uncomfortable place vis-a-vis CV-19....

WATCH: Salting Your Data

You don’t give your real data when you’re signing up for things online, do you? Well, perhaps you shouldn’t. Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he...

Scenes From 2030

TE Creus “Hi, dude!” “Oh. Hi. How are you?” “I’m good. How do you like my shoes?” “Nice. Are those…” “Yeah. The original Nike Lil Nas X Satan’s Shoes,...

Bipolar Corona-Politics Positive?

The Covid Physician Covid-19 Catch-22 We live in confusing times. The year began with a run on toilet tissue and ended in totalitarianism. Will it be looked back upon...

How conspiracy theorizing may soon get you labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’

Matthew Ehret If you are starting to feel like forces controlling the governments of the west are out to get you, then it is likely that you are either...

Covid Vaccine Nonsense

P Jerome The efforts to require every American to be injected with an experimental vaccine for Covid-19 are based on the false notion that vaccination will protect recipients from...

WATCH: Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future and you don’t need secret, anonymous sources to know what the globalists are planning to do. Don’t miss this...

The “Unvaccinated” Question

CJ Hopkins So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us? No, not those who haven’t been “vaccinated” yet. Us. The “Covidiots.” The “Covid...

The Great Unvaxxed

TE Creus The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or...

I Wanna Break Lockdown With You

Alison Banville I wanna break lockdown with you Look what it’s turned me into… Fuck Thursday clapping! I’d rather a nap Than perform like a seal in a zoo...

Rise Up, Say the Birds to the Bread

Edward Curtin It was early morning on St. Patrick’s Day and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a few slices of delicious Irish Soda Bread.  My wife had...

“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives

Niels Harrit PhD

Sense is not common anymore during the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. Now you are sick until proven healthy - and contagious by default. The vehicle for this scam is the...

WATCH: Ice Age Farmer on the Bossche letter

Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations – but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda? Either...

Old Mortality: How the Corona Coup Tortures the Elderly – and Everybody Else

Michael Lesher I want to report a crime. Here are the facts: About a year ago, my 85-year-old mother was kidnapped by a gang of charlatans and dragged off...

WATCH: Flash Mobs for Freedom

We’ve all heard of flash mobs, but can they be used for more than just organizing pillow fights in Times Square? Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch​...

Addicted to Hope: The Qult of Qanon

Ryan Matters Here’s a scenario. You’re part of an organization that wants to steer the world towards an Orwellian type society where you control every aspect of human life....

The New Normal “Reality” Police

CJ Hopkins So, according to Facebook and the Atlantic Council, I am now a “dangerous individual,” you know, like a “terrorist,” or a “serial murderer,” or “human trafficker,” or some...

Walmart, Amazon and the Colonial Deindustrialisation of India

Colin Todhunter In June 2018, the Joint Action Committee against Foreign Retail and E-commerce (JACAFRE) issued a statement on Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart. It argued that it undermines India’s...

A Vision

JR Leach I had this vision back last spring, When the land was ruled by corrupted kings, And greed was fuelled by hoarding things, But things that one could...

Media Pseudo-Debates and the Silence of Leftist Critics

Edward Curtin You’ve heard of them, no doubt, the U.S. rulers who can’t rule too well and are always getting surprised by events or fed bad advice by their...