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Beijing McCafé
R Weiler
The people’s expectations have evolved in general from satisfying basic needs to improving the quality of life, and their...
Report from Taiwan
Johan Eddebo On January 13, this Saturday, Taiwan’s presidential and parliamentary elections are simultaneously held. There’s a lot at...
Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement
Kit Knightly
In yet another blow to the globalist plan for World Domination, last week the government of Shanghai has signed...
China’s “summer Davos” 2023
Next month the World Economic Forum will be hosting its “Summer Davos” in Tianjin, China. Described as the “Annual...
Putin & Xi’s Moscow agreements
Riley Waggaman It was a big week for Russia-China experts, who collectively managed to write 10,000 hot takes about...
OffG on…the Chinese “Spy Balloon”
Everyone is talking about the “Chinese spy balloon” this week, for some reason. It’s apparently a big deal, it...
China: The World’s First Technate – Part 2
Iain Davis Edited 17/12/22 by the author to correct a misattribution In Part 1, we discussed the historical background of...
AUDIO: Iain Davis & Jesse Zurawell talk China and Technocracy
In this recent episode of Perspective, host Jesse Zurawell is joined by frequent OffG contributor Iain Davis to discuss...
The REAL reason behind China’s “Zero Covid” policy
Kit Knightly
Most of the Western world is no longer in lockdown, some vaccine mandates are being loosened, mask wearers are...
China: The World’s First Technate – Part 1
Iain Davis We are being rapidly transitioned into a new system of centralised, authoritarian global governance. This system is...
The “Lab-Leak Theory” returns…as yet another fake binary
Kit Knightly
The theory that “Covid” originated in a bio-lab has been back in the headlines over the last few weeks,...
No, it’s not OK when China does it
Catte According to the worst kind of special pleading we have seen in the alternative media recently it’s actually...
Parasite Empire Unravelled
Hiroyuki Hamada So before Covid, a local school where one of my kids used to attend had prominent race...
War Mongering for Artificial Intelligence
Binoy Kampmark The ghost of Edward Teller must have been doing the rounds between members of the National Commission...
Our beautifully democratic wars
Philip Roddis Of course the people don’t want war. That is understood … But after all it is the...
Coronavirus: Hysteria reaches “tipping point”
Catte Black In Hubei Province, China, where the ‘new’ virus was first diagnosed, and where the vast majority of...
Intelligence Spats: Australia, Britain and Huawei
Binoy Kampmark A note of fraternal tension has been registered between the United Kingdom and Australia. It began with...
Coronavirus: finding the ambiguous reality behind the fear porn headlines
Catte Black According to the World Health Organisation the latest viral panic – the infamous allegedly ‘new’ coronavirus is...
Coronavirus: Media reveals a very familiar agenda
Kit Knightly
The initial, blaring, bright-red headlines over the outbreak of the novel coronavirus appear to be slowing down. Maybe it...
Coronavirus Update: Following the money
Kit Knightly
The Coronavirus is still the big-ticket news item, with confirmed cases now covering 11 countries. ELEVEN! Most of the...