latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

Let’s talk about…MSM Coverage of Israeli War Crimes

Kit Knightly

Two weeks ago, it was widely reported across all the Western legacy media that Israel had fire-bombed a hospital leaving patients to burn to death in their beds. A...

The Great Multipolar Reset: Globalist Vampires in Bed With The BRICS


One thing that is consistent about the blood-sucking globalist vampires—they have an irresistible urge to tell you what they are going to do. Their policy of hiding things in plain...

Globalists flee in terror as Russia plans for mass adoption of digital ruble in mid-2025

Riley Waggaman

Klaus Schwab is on suicide watch after Russia’s central bank announced on Thursday that it is preparing for the large-scale implementation of the digital ruble, colloquially known in the Global South...

This Week in the New Normal #94

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly (or, in this case, four-monthly) chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism...

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

John & Nisha Whitehead

“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation...

What the “Shakespeare portrait” controversy can teach us about our relationship with reality

Kit Knightly

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is having the portrait of William Shakespeare removed from No. 10, according to various reports across the legacy media. This has “sparked a backlash”according...

The Armchair Rioters – Part 4

Iain Davis

This is the final article in a four-part series. The first three parts are available here, here and here. In his 1859 essay “On Liberty” the British political philosopher...

The Evolution of Convenience

Todd Hayen

Are humans headed for extinction? When we stop evolving both physically and psychologically, where will we be? It is always assumed that evolution is a good thing. A process...

UK Accepts Big Pharma Money to Trial Drugs on the Unemployed

Kit Knightly

Three days ago the British government announced a new scheme to inject obese people with weight loss drugs to try and tackle “worklessness”. Writing in the Telegraph – where...

A flare for the traumatic

Sylvia Shawcross

It was too cold. That’s all I’m saying. It has been a long and rather temperate summer and these colder nights and now days, although logically they shouldn’t be,...

War on Food and Farming — Bayer’s ‘Backward’ Claim

Colin Todhunter

For some critics, if one firm tops a league table for anti-people, anti-nature business practices, it is Bayer (although there are many other worthy candidates). Nevertheless, the Indian Council...

The Armchair Rioters – Part 3

Iain Davis

In Part 1 we discussed the very daft concept of the “armchair rioter” and explored the evidence which shows no one caused any riots by posting rumours or political opinions on...

No one cares if the boots exist…

Catte Black

What struck me last time I read 1984 was how much I had missed in it. It’s much much more than the images of brutal repression we tend to...

AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Reality Check Radio – October Edition

This month OffG editor Kit Knightly’s chat’s with RCR’s Paul Brennan about the encouraging response to the UK’s “chicken license”, the UN’s Pact for the Future, the problems of...

Disinformation Isn’t the Problem. Government Coverups and Censorship Are the Problem

John & Nisha Whitehead

“What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not...

Subtle Anomalies

Todd Hayen

Has anyone else noticed strange things happening? Odd things that seem out of place? Like more incidents of weird dopey driving or seeing more ambulances or fire trucks in...

The Preposterous Nature of “Reality”

Edward Curtin

It is not uncommon to be doing something seemingly innocuous when one is flooded with wild thoughts, musings that seem randomly meaningless, leading nowhere.  Thoughts that think us.  To...

WATCH: Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda

So, you want someone to name names, cite documents and expose the facts about the decades-long globalist takeover? Then you’ve come to the right place! Join James Corbett for...

The Armchair Rioters – Part 2

Iain Davis

In Part 1 we examined the silly concept of the “armchair rioter” which has been offered to suggest people can start riots from the comfort of their favourite recliner. As we...

Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn

Catte Black

We’ve been asked why we don’t do more coverage of the US (s)election. The answer is easy, and it goes like this. 1. There is no real choice and...