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Dissenting Voices: Finding Courage to Speak Against Your Assailant
Christine E. Black A man in a white lab coat with advanced degrees in medicine sexually abused hundreds of...
Occupation By COVID: Palestine As a Viral Export, 2020
Michael Lesher As the year 2020 expires in an embattled welter of politicized suffering, I feel I need to...
Review: Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a Born-Again Jew
Steve Lipman A review of Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a Born-Again Jew, by Michael Lesher. Published by...
WAKE UP, LIBERALS! American Voters Are Smarter Than You Are
Michael Lesher Ever since Election Day, the self-righteous hate parade has been marching its way across liberal media. Too...
On Course for a Coup
Michael Lesher Even the pundit class admits that the coming presidential election in the United States is shaping up...
Who was that masked man?
Hello, my fellow Americans. I’m Joe Biden. Remember me? You may have heard of me from time to time...
The Silent Solution: Orthodox Jewish Rabbinate Knuckles Under to Lockdowns
Michael Lesher The exchange of recriminations between ultra-Orthodox (or “haredi”) leadership and its critics over the former’s coronavirus policy...
Suffer, Little Children
I’ve been an angry man since the age of sixteen. That was when I read Lloyd deMause’s newly-published The...
Media Mask-Mania, or Covid19 Groupthink
I never thought I’d see the day when publicly wearing a muzzle would constitute a proof of virtue in...
Notorious Fourth: Independence Day in the Land of the Captive, the Home of the Cowed
Michael Lesher COVID19, that ersatz apocalypse, has never come anywhere close to killing the two million Americans we were...
Could we have some silence please?
At my Quaker Meeting, occasionally someone will say, “Could we have some silence please?” especially during a business meeting,...
Lies, Damned Lies and Covid19
Michael Lesher Growing up as I did in the Cold War, I still experience a special kind of shudder...
COVID19 and the Left: an Ignored Civil Rights Crisis
Michael Lesher Reading op-eds these days about the grim progress of COVID-19 through the United States, I sometimes have...
Six Feet Apart in the Sunshine
Christine E. Black We are in lockdown in Virginia after Governor Ralph Northam closed beaches, book stores, libraries, restaurants,...