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No Human Contact
Todd Hayen
I have touched on this before in several articles. But it seems to be an itch I can’t scratch....
Nationalistic Fervor
Todd Hayen
I was at the ballet the other night, yes, the ballet. It was the Canadian Ballet Company’s production of...
It’s Progress, Dummy
Todd Hayen
According to the sheep world, nothing that is happening is bad. Technology is running wild, robots and AI are...
Pop Goes the Weasel
Todd Hayen
When I think about what the world will look like in the future, the models I fall back on...
For All the Wrong Reasons
Todd Hayen
The world is collapsing, people are getting sick and dying, the culture is becoming morally corrupt, and society is...
Blind Compliance
Todd Hayen
We all know what this means. And from what I am hearing from fellow shrews, the only way out...
Living Will Kill You
Todd Hayen
Will it? I don’t think so. But that seems to be a foundational tenet of the sheep worldview. Interestingly,...
AI Law and Order
Todd Hayen
Artificial Intelligence, AI, is such the “in” thing now. You just can’t get away from it. AI art, AI...
Who are the “Elite”?
Todd Hayen
People are always correcting me when I use the term “elite” to describe that group of “people” (or maybe...
Normalization and the Resulting Death of “All that Is”
Todd Hayen
The very thing that keeps humans surviving in an ever-changing world will be the very thing that ultimately destroys...
Nothing to Hide
Todd Hayen
I’ve heard this phrase, “Why should I worry? I have nothing to hide,” more often than I am comfortable...
No Room for Growth
Todd Hayen
Even if I am absolutely certain of something, I am still open to discussion with an opposing view. If...
Choosing What to Believe
Todd Hayen
There was a time in a galaxy far, far, away that you didn’t have the luxury of “choosing” what...
Todd Hayen
I used to believe that the only way we were going to get out of this mess was to...
Todd Hayen
Many people seem to think these days they can do anything they want with no negative consequences—that doing whatever...
It’s Just Not Possible
Todd Hayen
Since when have human beings developed this belief that no one in power could possibly be corrupt, or have...
Robot Love
Todd Hayen
I grew up in the ‘60s and ‘70s rather afraid of robots. I mean, they weren’t all bad—the housekeeper...
Transhumanism, the Death of God, and Eternal War
Todd Hayen
It seems that the idea of transhumanism as a major force in this current global debacle is often put...
The Meaning of Life is Not Happiness
Todd Hayen
I can’t tell you the number of times every day I hear from clients in my practice, “All I...
Does Everyone Have to Die?
Todd Hayen
I’ve been told several times by people who have acted as human pincushions and are on their eighth Covid...