The mainstream media is hotly debating if the Sars-Cov-2 virus came from a lab accident, a bioweapon or a bat...but with a 99.8% survival rate, does it really matter?
Gillian Dymond Are you tired of having to watch everything you say, in case you’re accused of “hate speech”? Do you frequently have to bite back innocently-spoken words, when...
Kit Knightly A new report, published just yesterday, has provided yet more evidence that the CDC is manipulating data to conceal the number of “breakthrough infections”. A “breakthrough infection”...
CJ Hopkins On April 1, 1933, shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor, the Nazis staged a boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. Members of the Storm Troopers (“die Sturmabteilung,”...
Dustin Broadbery The government is pressing ahead with its Vaccine Passport and plans for a two-tier society are afoot. The effrontery of those leading the charge beggar’s belief. When...
Suzie Halewood Softening the electorate up to the prospect of inoculating all children over the age of 12, Secretary of State Control Matt Hancock says he has been ‘closely...
Kit Knightly UPDATE 28/05/21 – This article was subject to a clarification.[click here] The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing...
Margaret Anna Alice “Totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere.” George Orwell The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the...
Christine E. Black “Casserian Engeri?” translated from the Masai language means, “And how are the children?” This is a traditional greeting among a Masai tribe in Africa. One hoped...
Colin Todhunter In light of the current COVID-related situation in India, Dr Anthony Fauci, the top US adviser on COVID, has called for India to implement a hard lockdown...
Throughout the overblown coronavirus "pandemic" narrative we've seen national governments all over the world use the phony crisis to "temporarily" expand their powers. Now the United Nations is getting...
Doctors for Covid Ethics This paper was originally hosted on the Doctors for Covid Ethics Medium account, but the platform censored the expert group and removed the paper, claiming...
Colin Todhunter Western media outlets are currently paying a great deal of attention to India and the apparent impact of COVID-19. The narrative is that the coronavirus is ripping...
Suzie Halewood In 1956 German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal GmbH, licensed a new experimental drug designed to treat colds, flu, nausea and morning sickness. Known as Distaval in the...
Kit Knightly The mainstream media barely reported on the huge Unite for Freedom protest in London this weekend. And what they did report was largely completely untrue. Here’s a...
Sinead Murphy ‘Goodness’ is not the word I wanted to use in this article. But ‘ethics’ sounded too abstract, ‘morality’ too rule-bound, ‘virtue’ too archaic, and ‘kindness’ too corporate...
In this episode, we check back in with an epidemiologist who got millions of views on this channel before he was summarily canceled. Now Knut Wittkowski has a dire...
CJ Hopkins Back in October of 2020, I wrote an essay called The Covidian Cult, in which I described the so-called “New Normal” as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments...
Kit Knightly With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published in late March, puts...