I am sitting on the beach at the National Seashore, a forty-mile long stretch of the Atlantic Ocean seashore on Outer Cape Cod, established in 1961 by President Kennedy....
Remakes and sequels have almost killed Hollywood movie making, turning every film into a collection of meta references and nostalgia bait…‘hey remember when this happened in that other movie!...
We promised a longer take on the Pentagon “leaks”, and here it goes. Regular readers will probably be familiar with my view on leaked documents in general, but if...
The handful of American citizens who have by some miracle escaped the wave of death caused by the coronavirus will be braving the toilet-paper maddened crowds to vote in...
Joe Giambrone In 2016, Hillary Clinton deserved to lose, and she did. Her deception, her cheating in the primary elections, was well-documented, despicable, dishonest, untrustworthy. Her money-laundering scheme at...
John Steppling “It is this author’s analysis that the effect of the Donald Trump presidency has been, somewhat paradoxically, to put wind in the sails of a kind of...
Binoy Kampmark Whatever the claims by the Democratic pollsters on the ground, the party has all the work to do ahead of selecting a candidate to make a fist...
Vladimir Golstein In the tradition of the Oxford English Dictionary, I recommend the following terms and their definitions to be included in a 2020 version of the same. DNC...
Renée Parsons As the 2016 sabotage of the Sanders campaign contributed to the failure of the flawed HRC campaign against Trump whose election led to a campaign of illegitimate...
Binoy Kampmark Only a sadomasochist would consider it a genuine prospect. A failed presidential candidate, the louse in the locks of the Democratic Party, keen to make yet another...
Renée Parsons As you may have figured out by now, Hillary Clinton, warped by her own self aggrandizement of entitlement, did Tulsi Gabbard and her Presidential campaign against interventionist...
CJ Hopkins So, it looks like that’s it for America, folks. Putin has gone and done it again. He and his conspiracy of Putin-Nazis have “hacked,” or “influenced,” or...
Renée Parsons Even before Rep. Tulsi Gabbard threatened to boycott the October 15th Dem debate as the DNC usurps the role of voters in the Democratic primacy 2020 election...
Renée Parsons Despite early polls which showed some of the ‘top tier’ Democrat candidates beating Trump in a general election, the last DNC debate left considerable question as to...
Renee Parsons In the aftermath of the third Presidential Democratic National Committee (DNC) debate, it was mind boggling that viewers were forced to suffer through a rehash of the...
Eric Zuesse The Democratic Presidential candidates who have been the most backed by billionaires have not been doing well in the polling thus far, and this fact greatly disturbs...
It may well be a finding of some implication should Julian Assange find his way into the beastly glory that is the US justice system. In its efforts...
by Aaron Maté, July 5, 2019 At a May press conference capping his tenure as special counsel, Robert Mueller emphasized what he called “the central allegation” of the two-year...