My understanding of the world in which we live has undoubtedly increased greatly since I wrote the material which formed the first of a series of compilations, Fascism rebranded: exposing...
Ode to the Young Doctor in Gaza To the Muslim doctor in Gaza, his soft, dark eyes, gloved hands gently placed on a dusty, bloodied Palestinian child, with matted...
Last night Donald Trump’s administration released two-thousand files, totaling over 60,000 pages, pertaining to the assassination of President John F Kennedy. You can read them all here. The files...
Eighty-nine years ago this month, the film Modern Times, starring Charlie Chaplin, was released. Considered one of the greatest movies ever, it was a comedic but savage critique of industrial...
Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc....
Dear fellow religiously-observant Jews, I have a request to make of all of you. Please, please – in the name of minimal decency – spare me another round of...
Today is the day – Trump 2.0 officially kicks off, and the drama began ahead of schedule. Over the weekend there was what we’ll chose to call “The Tiktok...
Before my mind was turned to the subject of my title, I started to write a piece called “Are the Dead Nostalgic?” It’s a touchy philosophical question that has...
Eight days ago, in our third prediction for 2025 we said… …the incoming Trump admin will be trying to score “peacemaker” points with a deal in Ukraine, that could...
In my article predicting “The Next Pandemic”, published last April, I wrote that it would not begin until a lot of the leadership of the world had changed: [The...
Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of the UK from 2007 to 2010, having, from 1997, been chancellor of the exchequer under Tony Blair, whose links to the Rothschilds I explored...
In his final RCR guest spot of the year, Kit Knightly and Paul Brennan talk Syria, cow farts and how “the next pandemic” is queued up for 2025. Reality...
First in a new series highlighting comment and discussion below the line. We kick off with the recent events in Syria which have generated a lot of competing analyses....
“Let me have war, say I; it exceeds peace as far as day does night: it’s spritely waking, audible, and full of vent. Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy;...
In the two days since Damascus fell to the “liberating” rebels, the Syria situation has moved on apace. Bashar al-Assad and his family – rumoured to have been in...
In his 1959 classic book, The Sociological Imagination, the American sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote that ordinary people are often reduced to moral stasis and feel trapped and overwhelmed by...
It’s November 22nd, which means we’re in the midst of the 24 hours per year the mainstream media talks about JFK. Except we’re not. Every year for as long...
It’s been a long time but worth remembering, if you can, that when the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001,...
It is not uncommon to be doing something seemingly innocuous when one is flooded with wild thoughts, musings that seem randomly meaningless, leading nowhere. Thoughts that think us. To...