CJ Hopkins So, according to Facebook and the Atlantic Council, I am now a “dangerous individual,” you know, like a “terrorist,” or a “serial murderer,” or “human trafficker,” or some...
JR Leach I had this vision back last spring, When the land was ruled by corrupted kings, And greed was fuelled by hoarding things, But things that one could...
CJ Hopkins So, we’re almost a year into the “New Normal” (a/k/a “pathologized totalitarianism”) and things are still looking … well, pretty totalitarian. Most of Western Europe is still...
In the best traditions of marketing and public relations, the vaccine rollout is employing every strategy they can think of. The desperation is palpable.
Hiroyuki Hamada When the whole society becomes a theater of absurdity, the puppeteers become kings and queens of insanity. The society loses its logic, history, facts, honesty, sincerity, creativity...
Happen.network has released a new documentary entitled The New Normal. Investigating the origin of the titular phrase – never far from the lips of authority figures across the globe...
John Steppling If you want to deprive citizens of freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and the right to family life, there should be written reasons. They ask the...
Edward Curtin Something is happening here, But you don’t know what it is, Do you, Mr. Jones? Bob Dylan, Ballad of A Thin Man It’s hard… Life today seems...
Mike Swatek “Resolve to serve no more and you are at once free.” Etienne de la Boetie, On Voluntary Servitude Each of us can easily expand our fight for...
With the newest phase in the Covid19 roll-out set to begin, it's time we addressed the five biggest questions about this vaccine, its effectiveness, its safety and whether or...
The European Court of Human Rights is prepping to hear a civil case brought against the governments of 33 European nations by six teenage “climate activists”. The six youth...
According to the corporate media, this is it for Russian-backed Hitler. Game over. The walls are closing in. It’s the last days of the Trumpian Reich. Get those vuvuzelas...
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what...
CJ Hopkins One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the “Cold War” or the “War on...
Catte Black This 9/11 I think the most important thing is to recognise the continuum between that ‘catalyzing event’ and the one we are currently living through. Just as...
Iain Davis Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations,...
The Berlin government has banned a planned protest against measures put in place to (allegedly) contain the coronavirus “pandemic”. The event, scheduled for the 29th of August and coinciding...
Mark Petrakis “Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.” Cato the Elder The enduring beauty of fascism is that it requires so little...
Every week we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation. We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come...