Together Apart: The Social Distance Backstory
Sinead Murphy In the midst of outrage at restrictions on our living arrangements, issued by a UK government that has lost its orientation to reality, two questions arise. The...
Turkey adds fuel to fire in Nagorno-Karabakh
Ahmad al-Khaled In the past few years, Turkey’s unprecedentedly aggressive foreign policy has affected all States within Ankara’s area of interest. The renewed conflict in Karabakh region was viewed...
Nicaragua – The Country That Didn’t Swallow the Covid Blue Pill
Jorge Capelán No curfews, no lockdowns, no “stay at home”, no psychosis, no covid-calamities. There has been much talk about the Swedish corona strategy but the strategy of Nicaragua...
The Mask and the Bump
Patrick Corbett I was on the bus the other night with my wife. There were only 3 of us not wearing masks on our public transport, which mandates mask...
OPEN LETTER: Belgian Healthcare Workers Call for End to Lockdown
We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus....
Three New Reads – September
Philip Roddis Some folks – I’m tempted to call them psychological sectarians, more interested in ‘othering’ those outside their cosy club than effecting change in this Vale of Tears...
The Death of Andre Vltchek, a Passionate Warrior for Truth
For decades, Andre Vltchek, an old-school journalist and artist (but a young man) who travelled the world in search of truth and who always stood up straight, tried to...
WATCH: A Message to New “Conspiracy Theorists”
James Corbett’s latest video is an important and timely message – “Welcome!” So, it’s 2020 and you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Disorienting, isn’t it? Well, don’t worry: you...
Save Our Rights Protest, Trafalgar Square 26 Sept
Regretfully we can’t have a man on the ground during this rally, but here is a facebook live feed which gives you a chance to hear what’s going on....
The Silent Solution: Orthodox Jewish Rabbinate Knuckles Under to Lockdowns
Michael Lesher The exchange of recriminations between ultra-Orthodox (or “haredi”) leadership and its critics over the former’s coronavirus policy has focused so obsessively on exceptions to the rule, Tweedledum/Tweedledee...
The False Flag Poisoning of Alexei Navalny
Max Parry On August 20th, Russian opposition figure and self-styled “anti-corruption” activist Alexei Navalny fell seriously ill while in mid-flight from Tomsk, Siberia to the Russian capital. The Moscow-bound...
In Memoriam – Andre Vltchek
OffG is shocked to hear that Andre Vltchek, a long-time contributing author and friend of the site, died yesterday in Istanbul. He died suddenly whilst travelling in Turkey with...
“Do you remember a winter without a cold?”
Daniel Jeanmonod MD In the context of the current overwhelming worldwide COVID-19 panic wave, this text has as goal to provide, on a differentiated scientific basis, a different view...
COVID World – Resist!
Iain Davis COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. From New Zealand to the the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and developed the...
Coronavirus Fact-Check #7: “The Four Risks of Covid”
Of the Chief Medical Officer's "four risks", one of them has an over 99% survival rate, one of them didn't happen and the other two are consequences of lockdown...
Neoliberal Death Knell for Indian Agriculture
Colin Todhunter In a 2017 article, I asked what might a future India look like and concluded that, if current neoliberal policies continue, there could be dozens of mega-cities...
The War on Populism: The Final Act
So, it appears the War on Populism is building toward an exciting climax. All the proper pieces are in place for a Class-A GloboCap color revolution, and maybe even...
The End of Reality?
Edward Curtin In 1888, the year before he went insane, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the following in Twilight of the Idols: We have got rid of the real world: what world...
Nothing Ever Happened
John Steppling Some books demand slower reading than others. Ed Curtin’s new book is such a case. But then this assemblage of essays, many published elsewhere, is a corrective...
From Smedley Butler to “7 Days in May”…to Trump Today?
Matthew Ehret At this week’s Labor Day conference, President Trump threw down the gauntlet in opposition to the Anglo American military industrial complex. Inspiring both hope in many onlookers...