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Did the Sputnik V inventor just murder his own vaccine?
Riley Waggaman Alexander Gintsburg is the father of Sputnik V, Russia’s 500,000% effective COVID vaccine. He also recently won...
WATCH: Mass Formation & the Psychology of the “Pandemic”
Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent, sits down with Dr Chris Martensen of the...
“Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”…seriously?
Yes, all the major Covid vaccines are known to have cardiac-related side effects, and yes, some doctors are now...
The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…Omicron just killed it.
Going entirely by the mainstream's own words, and completely on their own terms, any possible case for mandatory vaccinations...
“The Omicron Variant” – Magic pills, or solving the Africa problem?
Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! Yesterday the WHO labelled the sars-cov-2 variant B.1.1.529 as a “variant of concern”...
What is happening in Australia’s Aboriginal communities?
The last few days we have heard some alarming reports about how the Northern Territories of Australia are treating...
Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you
Alison Blunt Audio Version New Feature! A bandleader contacted me with regards to confirmed dates in an upcoming tour,...
Sweden’s “Vaccine Passes” should teach us an important lesson.
Don't part-accept irrationality in an effort to be reasonable. Don't try and meet insanity in the middle. Deal only...
Myth vs. reality in COVID Russia
Riley Waggaman Audio Version New Feature! “Sputnik V is safe!”; “Putin is just ‘playing along’ with the COVID narrative...
WATCH: “There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 & Covid-19”
Edward Curtin returns to discuss deep politics and what links the assassination of JFK, 9/11, and Covid-19. No president...
A War against Humanity
Michael Lesher Audio Version New Feature! Halloween was once a popular holiday in Passaic. Year after year, my neighborhood’s...
Pfizer “vaccine”: kill 200 to ‘save’ one?
Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! In the early days of the “vaccine” rollout, we ran several articles discussing...
There’s NO case for “vaccinating” children…& the FDA meeting proves it
Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! Findings from an FDA meeting are being used to raise alarms about the...
Molnupiravir: Covid Wonder Drug or Money-Making Scam?
Ryan Matters What happens when you fail in your attempts to create a vaccine for “Covid-19” and then realize you’ve just...
CDC Director: “We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated'”
Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! Yesterday, in a press conference, the director of the CDC warned that they...
WATCH: Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic
Iain Davis of joins James Corbett to discuss his new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy. In this conversation Davis lays out...
The Last of our Human Freedoms – Covid-1984 meets the Brave New Normal
Greg Maybury “A great majority of the population looks on with complete indifference as the medical papacy assumes ever...
Coronavirus Fact-Check #12: Ivermectin
The anti-parasitic medication has been a bone of contention in the Covid debate for months. What is the argument...
30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
Kit Knightly We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source...
Covid-19: Fear, Anxiety and Voodoo Death
Ryan Matters Death counters, case counters, faulty tests to inflate death numbers, footage of patients on ventilators, apparent corpses...