Nothing is sacred anymore. Attacks on tradition and the old ways come from every angle, and some of the most insidious assaults target art and culture. The Rings of...
Share your thoughts on the “choice” facing the nation in our General Election thread. JR Leach is a cartoonist, graphic designer and author, his new book The Farmer and...
Joanna Sharp How do free spirits endure a tyrannical technocratic order? Do they succumb to endless rules, or do they keep doing their own thing? And what is the...
“No one knows who will live in this [iron] cage in the future….” Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism I would prefer not to relay...
Kevin Ryan Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet published his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism in June 2022. The book brings attention to the need to understand our own psychology in this time...
Edward curtin It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of this book. It is a tour de force that blows away twenty years of U.S. government lies and obfuscations...
Raminder Mulla In the Hindu tradition, there are four stages to life. One of learning how to be a citizen, one of householding, where one works and contributes to...
This Sunday morning we want to greet our readers with something beautiful for our Covid Positive section. This poem was sent to us on Facebook is perfect antidote to...
Korvus Korax TAKE 1 In the bread and circuses phase of an empire’s waning days skillfully framed spin-riddled reports devised and arranged to shape not reflect reality...
The second half of short-story double is The Machine Stops, by EM Forster. While technically more science fiction than horror, there's no denying terrifying nature of the world Forster...
John Steppling Some books demand slower reading than others. Ed Curtin’s new book is such a case. But then this assemblage of essays, many published elsewhere, is a corrective...
Edward Curtin Like the wandering and rascally Odysseus upon whom he models his life, Oliver Stone is “double-minded” in the most profound and illuminating ways. The title of his...
Edward Curtin For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organ.” Hamlet On May 1, 1962, President John Kennedy was meeting in the Oval Office...
The Oscars are happening as we speak, and I’m a little embarassed to say I want Joker to win. Not because it’s an all-time great movie, it’s not. It...
Philip Roddis Paleontologists tell us homo sapiens sapiens has walked the earth for 140,000 years, 130,000 of them as hunter gatherers. Social animals, poorly equipped for solo survival, we...
Frank Lee Unquestionably, the world seems to be moving away from democratic forms of rule and morphing into authoritarian/totalitarian political and economic systems (liberal totalitarianism if you will). This...
Edward Curtin We live in a fabricated reality where the visible world became nearly meaningless once the screen world became people’s “window on the world.” An electronic nothingness replaced...