WATCH: Thalidomide – Still with us half a century later

This revealing documentary from German channel DW looks into the Thalidomide tragedy, the people who survived it and the bad science and greed that enabled it. From the YouTube...

Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency

PrivacyToGo It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies. They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network. Their executive suite’s revolving...

WATCH: Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism

Whitney Webb of joins James to discuss her latest article, “A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction.” Even if you’re familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley...

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

Dr Malcolm Kendrick “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.” Edward Grey Several years ago, I wrote a...

FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns

Jon Rappoport Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement. After untold numbers of people...

The Woking of Tolkien: don’t let identity politics infect Middle Earth

JR Leach It is 20 years since the premiere of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I’d argue that it is one of...

Whistle-blowing doctor’s open letter to the head of the NHS

Dr Sam White is a Hampshire-based General Practitioner (GP) focusing on functional and holistic medicine. In early 2021 Dr White resigned from a partnership in a medical practice, and...

Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs

Colin Todhunter How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enrol only certain people in clinical...

London’s Freedom Weekend

Joanna Sharp The weekend of 26-27th June brought traffic in central London to a complete standstill. Two massive protests took place: Saturday’s Freedom March and Sunday’s Music Industry’s Freedom...

The War on Reality

CJ Hopkins So, the War on Reality is going splendidly. Societies all across the world have been split into opposing, irreconcilable realities. Neighbors, friends, and even family members are...


Iain Davis Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza. The pseudopandemic was a psychological...

Alien Minds and the Will to Believe

Edward Curtin Once upon a time in my youthful naiveté, I would mock those who said they believed in out-of-space aliens and flying saucers. In my hubris, I even...

WATCH: Take a Break

Summer has alighted upon the Land of the Rising Sun so I will be taking a break for the next week or two. In the meantime, I invite you...

The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism

Matthew Ehret The more we are encouraged to think like cold computers, the more the thesis that “computers must replace human thought” could be maintained. Final Part of a...

WATCH: Eating less meat won’t save the planet. Here’s why.

This video from YouTuber What I’ve Learned, released in April this year, is the best argument against the common opinion that reducing meat production/consumption would be a) good for...

Toxic Corporations Are Destroying the Planet’s Soil

Colin Todhunter A newly published analysis in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science argues that a toxic soup of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides is causing havoc beneath fields covered...

WATCH: A Brief History of Hopium

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you’d think that the public would have caught on to the game by now....

Manufacturing (New Normal) “Reality”

CJ Hopkins The ultimate goal of every totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate...

What I know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2

Edward Curtin After fifteen months of assiduous reading, study, observation, and research, I have come to some conclusions about what is called COVID-19. I would like to emphasize that...

An Essential Journey

Joanna Sharp I had not planned to travel abroad this year, especially after the UK government’s announcement in early 2021 that foreign holidays were forbidden. Even heading towards the...