To all long term Covid sceptics…

Catte Black First published on Catte’s Facebook page. To all long term Covid sceptics. Let’s take a moment to embrace the strength of our position. From the outset when...

9/11 in the “New Normal”

Catte Black This 9/11 I think the most important thing is to recognise the continuum between that ‘catalyzing event’ and the one we are currently living through. Just as...

YouTube outlaws “contradicting” the World Health Organization

Catte Black YouTube’s censorship of alternative Covid19 narratives has become increasingly overt. Back on May 20th it released its still current ‘policy’ which unashamedly tells potential creators: Don’t post...

“Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health into a Patient-Killing Experiment”

Catte Black Potentially lethal doses of the therapeutic drug hydroxychloroquine are being administered in ‘clinical trials’, sometimes without patient consent. Nearly a quarter of those participating in one such...

Covid19 & the denial of veridical reality

Catte Black It probably hasn’t passed anyone by that the covid19 crisis, whether manufactured or exploited, has caused great schisms in the alternative media. Almost from day one there...

10 Steps to Turn a Pandemic into the Brave New Normal

Catte Black Now, dear reader, I know you’re not a member of an institutionally sociopathic elite caste, trying to extend your power back to the good old days of...

WATCH: UK Chief Medic confirms (again) covid19 harmless to vast majority

From the beginning of this crisis we have been pointing out that there are two mutually contradictory messages at the heart of the covid19 rollout, and, just as Orwell...

Covid19: criminalising & pathologising dissent

Catte Black Let’s start with a little thought experiment. It’s the 14th century. The Black Death is surging through Europe. One third of the total population is dead or...

Coronavirus Bill slashes safeguards in death registration

Catte Black One aspect of the horrifically disturbing Coronavirus Bill(UK) is the changes being made to the registration of deaths. Here’s how it’s explained in the Introduction. The Bill...

Panic Pandemic – Why are people who should know better buying the Covid19 hype?

Catte Black The only certainty about the ‘novel’ virus is that a great deal of nonsense is being talked about it by people who really ought to know better,...

Guardian uses misleading data to imply COVID worse than Spanish Flu

Catte Black The curious downgrading of the 1918 Spanish Flu case fatality rate, which I looked into March 9, has taken an interesting new turn today, with the Guardian...

Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate

Catte Black We’ve had a couple of people BTL take issue with us regarding the case fatality rate (CFR) of the 1918 Spanish Flu. Citing Wikipedia and the CDC...

Coronavirus: Hysteria reaches “tipping point”

Catte Black In Hubei Province, China, where the ‘new’ virus was first diagnosed, and where the vast majority of the cases have occurred, it’s no longer considered necessary to...

Coronavirus: finding the ambiguous reality behind the fear porn headlines

Catte Black According to the World Health Organisation the latest viral panic – the infamous allegedly ‘new’ coronavirus is ‘stabilising‘, at least a little (see also MoA), though you...

Is Soleimani murder ‘beginning of the end’ of US imperialism?

Catte Black It’s increasingly clear that – short of QAnon’s wild idea that it’s all about engineering total US withdrawal from the Middle East – no coherent plan was...

Boris Johnson’s Incredible Landslide

Catte Black There’s an orgy of election post mortem going on at the moment. A lot of people in the mainstream and the alternative media are bringing their own...

WATCH: Banking Nature

Did you know an entire banking system is evolving that deals with something even less real than fiat-money? That buys up land on which - allegedly - endangered creatures...

Why 9/11 matters in 2019

Catte Black On 9/11 2001 three steel-framed high-rise buildings collapsed completely at near free-fall speed allegedly due to fires – which, if true, makes them the only steel-framed high-rises...

An Open Letter to Pearl Clutchers re No-Deal Brexit

Catte Black Dear Pearl Clutcher, I know you’re very preoccupied panic-buying essential drugs and spare body bags (for when some of your family members inevitably die following a no-deal...

Brexit ‘crisis’: political theatre & the demonizing of democracy

Catte Black We already know democracy is currently a sham. A lip-service. And nowhere more so than within the EU. Time and again this has been revealed. EU referenda...