latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

World War III

CJ Hopkins So, 2020 is off to an exciting start. It’s barely the middle of January, and we’ve already made it through World War III, which was slightly less...

GM in India: Faking it on the Astroturf

Colin Todhunter According to a recent report in The Hindu Business Line, India’s intelligence agencies are investigating the role of a global investment company and international seed companies in supporting farmers...

Downing of PS-752 already being used to smear MH-17 skeptics

Max Parry When the Pentagon confirmed the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, U.S. President Donald Trump took to social media to post a single image of the...

Is the US Now at War Against Iraq AND Iran?

Eric Zuesse On January 9th, Iraq’s Prime Minister and Parliament again ordered all American troops out, but on January 10th the AP headlined “US dismisses Iraq request to work...

DISCUSS: Iran Admit to Shooting Down Ukrainian Passenger Flight

Earlier today, President Rouhanie of Iran formally admitted that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps had shot down the Ukrainian passenger jet leaving Tehran a few days ago. Speculation has...

What About “Whataboutism.”

Vladimir Golstein Wikipedia – the most popular source of information for most people – boldly announces: “Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical...

WATCH: Sacha Baron Cohen is Wrong About Everything

Have you seen Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest character? He’s masquerading as a person who wants to preserve free speech by censoring free speech, and as usual his audience is...

Iran’s Hero Has Fallen, Leaving the World a More Dangerous Place

Andre Vltchek They say he came from a humble background, and worked himself up the ranks, becoming, as many believe, the second most powerful man in Iran. They say...

Iran shows world this is NOT just another regime change narrative

The anticipated retaliatory strike by Iran against US forces took place last night at between 21:45 and 22:15 GMT (01:45 – 02:15 local time) in the form of a...

Disruptive Assassinations: Killing Qassem Soleimani

Binoy Kampmark On the surface, it made not one iota of sense.  The murder of a foreign military leader on his way from Baghdad airport, his diplomatic status assured...

Capitalism and the Gut-Wrenching Hijack of India

Colin Todhunter In India, the ‘development’ paradigm is premised on moving farmers out of agriculture and into the cities to work in construction, manufacturing or the service sector, despite...

Is Soleimani murder ‘beginning of the end’ of US imperialism?

Catte Black It’s increasingly clear that – short of QAnon’s wild idea that it’s all about engineering total US withdrawal from the Middle East – no coherent plan was...

“I am France” – No one is calling this a revolution, but it is

David Studdert Five days ago, the 2nd of January, French strikers set a new record for consecutive days on strike: 29. This beats the 28 days registered in 1968....

The Searching Life and Enigmatic Death of Albert Camus

Edward Curtin Everyone wants the man who is still searching to have already reached his conclusions. A thousand voices are already telling him what he has found, and yet...

(Neo)Liberalism and its Discontents

Frank Lee FROM CLASSICAL LIBERALISM TO NEO-LIBERALISM The contemporary neo-liberal coalition consisting politically of a centre-left, centre, and centre-right – what we might call the neo-liberal blob – has...

Soleimani murder: developing narrative

Catte Black The dust is settling somewhat over the latest and strangest act of imperial hubris in the Middle East, and a few things are becoming clearer – though...

US murders leading Iranian General Qassem Soleimani

The US govt has confirmed it deliberately targeted leading Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in its missile (some say drone) attack near Baghdad airport that killed 10 people, including Soleimani...

As official Douma narrative crumbles, mainstream already constructing backstop

Catte Black The official narrative on the OPCW’s deception about the alleged ‘chlorine gas attack’ on Douma, Syria, in April 2018 is falling apart. The dam of media silence...

2019 On OffG

On the first day of a new year we take a look back at 2019 on OffG, and offer our choice of highlights. If you disagree or would include...

Songs of Longing for New Year’s Day

Edward Curtin Like many people, when the New Year rolls around, I think of turning over a new leaf. The problem with doing that, especially in New England, is...