latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
This Outlaw Power
Christopher Black On June 4th the Chinese government issued a travel alert for Chinese tourists thinking of visiting the United States, a day after it issued a similar advisory...
If Congress has no Mojo to Govern, let’s make it a Part Time Job
Renee Parsons If the American public needs any further evidence that the US Congress is unable to function as an operating legislative branch of the Federal government in the...
From Glyphosate to Front Groups: Fraud, Deception and Toxic Tactics
Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written to the Editor-in-Chief of the British Medical Journal and the British Medical Association Council Chairman, Chaand Nagpaul.
EU Elections are Proof of Europe’s Decay
Andre Vltchek Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is...
The Neoliberal Disaster of US Healthcare
Imagine if a political party in the UK included in its manifesto a pledge to increase public spending on the NHS by 55%! Such a pledge would be...
The Quds Day Panic of 2019
CJ Hopkins So it appears we managed to survive another terrifying Quds Day in Berlin. It was certainly touch-and-go there for a while, what with the media issuing hysterical...
YouTube’s Latest Purge
YouTube has just announced they have changed their “community standards” to combat “extremist content” on their platform. This is just the latest step in the war against free speech...
The Green New Deal – hot air or genuine sustainability?
It’s World Environment Day. A YouGov poll puts concern for the environment at a record high Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay and concern about the environment has reached record levels. 27%...
Israel Continues Its Interference in Syria
Firas Samuri On June 2, Syrian Arab News Agency reported on Israeli aggression on the T4 airbase, located in the eastern countryside of Homs province. It’s recognized that the...
Facebook Censoring OffG’s Links
One of our readers/followers recently brought something rather alarming to our attention on Facebook. It seems that certain of our articles, when shared, are not visible to anyone but...
Military Intelligence?
Hugh O’Neill For no important reason, I was thinking about the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier, HMS “Queen Elizabeth II”. This ship has been in the news, but for...
Tian’anmen – 30 years of sanctimony and cant
I generally describe Western attitudes to China as “a great big bag of arrogance, stuffed to the brim with ignorance, and tied with the string of prejudice”. Nothing embodies...
“Who Will Testify to Kosovo Tribunal?”
Justice Info Net Former Swiss prosecutor Dick Marty this week spoke publicly for the first time in years about his explosive December 2010 report on illegal human organ trafficking in...
WATCH: Seizing the Means of Production
Unicorn Riot, via Economic Grassroots Organizing [CC – Greek, English] Workers have successfully self-managed the production of environmentally-friendly cleaning products for the last six years in the occupied factory...
Answering the Mysterious Call of An Artist’s Spiritual Vocation
Edward Curtin Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive.” Kabir, To Be a Slave of Intensity Strange how a man Can enter your life Just like that:...
“Only little people pay taxes.”
The Wheel of History Turns To understand the present, we must understand the past, and possibly the future direction of historical processes. Well where did it all begin? Well...
Israeli Indifference is Killing People
Andre Vltchek In the past, whenever I went to (or more precisely, ‘through’) Israel, it was for some antagonistic purpose: to write about the brutal suppression of the intifada...
WATCH: Israeli Diplomat offering MP £1 million
OffG The Labour Party have suspended Pete Willsman, a member of their National Executive Committee, for being “antisemitic”. The charge is that Willsman was recorded claiming that the antisemitism...
Angels and Demons: Imperialism and War, ‘Chavs’ and Jeremy Kyle
Colin Todhunter The father of modern public relations and spin, Edward Bernays was a cynical manipulator of mass perception. He knew that by shaping people’s desires in a certain...
WATCH: OPCW Leak Explained
TomoNews US just released the above video summarising the OPCW leak and its implications. It is neat, clear and accurate. The best summary of the current situation we have...