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Dear Guardian Media Group…
Philip Roddis …in light of yesterday’s news – which ought to have been emblazoned across your front page in...
This Week in The Guardian #5 – Coronavirus Special
Our weekly feature rounding up the more shallow and vapid aspects of The Guardian‘s nonsense was one of the...
Guardian uses misleading data to imply COVID worse than Spanish Flu
Catte Black The curious downgrading of the 1918 Spanish Flu case fatality rate, which I looked into March 9,...
This Week in The Guardian #3
Every week, on a Sunday, we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require...
Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented Heights
Kit Knightly
Another day, another round of shrill headlines. The coronavirus could spread to “every country in the world” (like chickenpox),...
This Week in The Guardian #1
Five years ago this month, OffGuardian posted its first article. Since then nearly 4000 more have been posted, all...
Labour Leaders-In-Waiting Rush Back to the Centre
Kit Knightly
Jeremy Corbyn isn’t gone yet, but his is now a phantom presence. He’s very much a political dead man...
Everything you REALLY need to know about Labour’s “antisemitism”
Kit Knightly
The rapidly approaching General Election means accusations of antisemitism are back on the menu, and the mainstream media are...
Homeland Insecurity
Philip Farruggio Well, once again we have Veterans Day upon us. With it comes the preponderance of overt militarism...
GE2019 Reveals True Purpose of “Antisemitism” Smear Campaign
Kit Knightly
Why are Labour MPs upset at the idea of being in power? Why didn't notionally "liberal" or "progressive" columnists...
Brexit isn’t David Cameron’s Legacy – Libya is
Kit Knightly
“The strong man with the dagger is followed by the weak man with the sponge.” Lord Acton David Cameron...
Guardian Attacks Epstein “Conspiracy Theories”
Kit Knightly
The mainstream narrative is shaping up - a story of suicide, neglect and tragic victims
8chan: The Latest Fearporn Drive
Kit Knightly
8chan may have been shut down, but that doesn't mean we're safe. You see, all the people that used...
8chan: Another Mass Shooting, Another Internet Purge
Kit Knightly
8chan could kinda gross, but it could also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful,...
Guardian Deletes Open Letter Defending Chris Williamson
Kit Knightly
Yesterday the Guardian published an Open Letter from over 100 prominent Jewish academics, artists and members of the Labour...
Google Promising Real-Time Censorship
Kit Knightly
Google has changed their algorithm so that it actively suppresses "misinformation" when "bad events" are taking place. This is...
Exposed: The Guardian’s Collusion in State Censorship
Thomas Scripps Minutes of Ministry of Defence (MoD) meetings have confirmed the role of Britain’s Guardian newspaper as a...
Guardian Continues to Promote “Progressive” Censorship
Kit Knightly
Personally, I love the phrase "For public dialogue to make any progress, it is important to recognise when a...
Tian’anmen – 30 years of sanctimony and cant
I generally describe Western attitudes to China as “a great big bag of arrogance, stuffed to the brim with...
Embedded on the Frontline: Carole Cadwalladr and OSI
David Macilwain “Investigative journalism” is all the rage nowadays, in the age of “fake news. And anyone can do...