Is that the politics we want? A system where people are secretly recorded during their private, unflattering moments and then held up to public ridicule and censure?
Tony Kevin It is now clear that the US has manufactured a false case against Iran for the two-tanker sabotage incident in the Gulf of Oman on 13 June....
>There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when the English fishing town of Grimsby proudly lived up to its full name – Great Grimsby (so named to distinguish...
CJ Hopkins Every time you think the corporatocracy’s manufactured anti-Semitism hysteria cannot possibly get more absurd, they somehow manage to outdo themselves. OK, stay with me now, because this...
In 2006, to mark the 30th anniversary of Harold Wilson's retirement, the BBC released "The Plot Against Harold Wilson". It details how, throughout Wilson leadership, MI5 and the CIA...
Catte Black The alt media-verse is currently on fire with the news that the US State Dept’s answer to Al Capone, Mike Pompeo, has been caught promising “Jewish leaders”...
OffG The Labour Party have suspended Pete Willsman, a member of their National Executive Committee, for being “antisemitic”. The charge is that Willsman was recorded claiming that the antisemitism...
And so ends the Labour career of Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's PR man, one of the key architects of the "dodgy dossier", a man complicit in every death that...
The European elections are here, and Theresa May’s political future hangs in the balance. As it seems to have done for years. Her party, fresh off being wiped out...
For a long time now, bubbling away on the mainstream media's back-boiler, there's been an on-going campaign to attack and undermine social media. It is multi-faceted, and unfocused, but...
The local elections have been a complete disaster for the Tories. They have lost over 1100 seats (as of 7pm today). They have lost nearly forty councils. They have...
Philip Roddis Remember this man? It’s close to three years ago he split the delightfully small Anyone-But-Corbyn vote when Angela Eagle, too lacking in self awareness to see she...
Michael Antony This week, appropriately beginning 1st April, Brexit descended into farce after merely being a two-year comedy of errors. In fact it went beyond farce and became more...
The weird world of post-Brexit vote UK politics swirls around some more. Now, in order to try to force her deal through the commons, May has pledged to resign...
Kit Knightly On Wednesday, following her latest series of total disasters, Theresa May called an emergency meeting of party leaders to deal with Brexit. Despite not being a party...
It seems The Times is willing to give column inches to any Labour MP willing to insult and undermine their leader, and is determined to try and tell the...
CJ Hopkins Get the kids into the house! Lock your doors! Board up the windows! Break out the gas masks and hazmat suits! According to the corporate media, we...
Austerity is a brutal crime against humanity. The rich get richer whilst the poor are starving. The 1% deserve to be held up to scrutiny, criticism and even prosecution....
The following comments – sent in to us by a reader – were censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Removed comments,...