The following comments – sent in to us by a reader – were censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Removed comments,...
Consider this a catch-all discussion thread on the UK General Election 2019. A few readers have been asking in email and in the comments why we aren’t running daily...
Frank Speaker Our western world today took another step towards an Orwellian, dystopian future. Like most of us here at Off-Guardian, I’ve previously been moderated, pre-moderated, and once banned...
The final, official story of the London Bridge attack is beginning to take shape. More information is coming together all the time, the very efficiently edited Wikipedia page for...
The following comment – sent in to us by a reader – was censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did it breach? Removed comment,...
If you enjoyed the global corporatocracy’s original War on Islamicist Terror, you’re going to love their latest spinoff, The War on White Supremacist Terror. It’s basically just like the...
8chan could kinda gross, but it could also be amazing. Insightful. Useful. Free speech is like that. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. If you cut off the ugly parts it's...
Philip Roddis With so many brown skinned men, women and children in the Middle East maimed, bereaved or having their lives terminated by the high tech and highly profitable products of...
We the undersigned, all Jews, are writing in support of Chris Williamson and to register our dismay at the recent letter organised by Tom Watson, and signed by parliamentary...
Google has changed their algorithm so that it actively suppresses "misinformation" when "bad events" are taking place. This is pretty big news if you're interested in free speech or...
Thomas Scripps Minutes of Ministry of Defence (MoD) meetings have confirmed the role of Britain’s Guardian newspaper as a mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies. Last week, independent journalist Matt...
Dutch Prosecutors have finally – five years later – named the first suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over the Donbass region of Ukraine in July...
I generally describe Western attitudes to China as “a great big bag of arrogance, stuffed to the brim with ignorance, and tied with the string of prejudice”. Nothing embodies...
For a long time now, bubbling away on the mainstream media's back-boiler, there's been an on-going campaign to attack and undermine social media. It is multi-faceted, and unfocused, but...
David Macilwain “Investigative journalism” is all the rage nowadays, in the age of “fake news. And anyone can do it, from institutions like the Guardian – “support our independent...
The local elections have been a complete disaster for the Tories. They have lost over 1100 seats (as of 7pm today). They have lost nearly forty councils. They have...
There is a coup happening in Venezuela. Not the rather sad, fizzling, slow-motion coup that has been beavering away behind the scenes for months, if not years. An actual...
The following comments – sent in to us by a reader – were censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Removed comments,...
CJ Hopkins I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but, given the arrest of Julian Assange last week, and the awkward and cowardly responses thereto, I felt it...