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WATCH: Conspiracy Theorists are Domestic Terrorists!
The term “conspiracy theory” was weaponized by the CIA half a century ago. At first it was merely used...
WATCH: The Plot Against Harold Wilson
In 2006, to mark the 30th anniversary of Harold Wilson's retirement, the BBC released "The Plot Against Harold Wilson"....
WATCH: Seizing the Means of Production
Unicorn Riot, via Economic Grassroots Organizing [CC – Greek, English] Workers have successfully self-managed the production of environmentally-friendly cleaning...
WATCH: OPCW Leak Explained
TomoNews US just released the above video summarising the OPCW leak and its implications. It is neat, clear and...
WATCH: Costas Lapavitsas Discusses the EU
Labour Leave Costas Lapavitsas, former member of the Syriza government, is a professor of economics at the School of...
WATCH: Robert Newman’s History of Oil
Philip Roddis The best comedians are the cleverest people on the planet. I’m grateful to a BTL comment...
WATCH: Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King
Released last year, to mark the 50th anniversary of King’s assassination, James Corbett’s documentary examines King’s attempt to reconcile...
WATCH: Crucifying Julian Assange
In his RT “On Contact” show, Chris Hedges interviews Joe Lauria, Consortium News editor, about the efforts to force...
WATCH: Meet James Corbett – Political Extremist!!!
James Corbett uses recent coverage of his documentary Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve, to highlight...
WATCH TRAILER: “The Conspiracy Theorist”
In 2015 Florida Atlantic University abruptly terminated Professor James Tracy under what is alleged to have been a false...
WATCH: The Spider’s Web – Britain’s Second Empire
At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured...
WATCH: The physics of 9/11
The physics of 9/11 generates a lot of debate BTL. A lot of the same claims are made and...
WATCH: 1982, Tony Benn on the “divisions” in the Labour Party
An interview with Labour party stalwart and “Lefty” Tony Benn,from January 1982. It’s interesting to compare the issues being...
WATCH: Kevin Barrett on the creeping censorship that threatens all of us
Dr. Kevin Barrett, who was pilloried in the media back in 2006 for daring to question the official 9/11...
WATCH: Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition
In episode 344 of The Corbett Report, James discusses the new push to shut down alternative voices on the...
“The Faces of North Korea”
Text, photos and film: Andre Vltchek Here it is – my short film about North Korea. No need to...
WATCH: Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
James Corbett of the Corbett Report looks at the implications of the Bayer takeover of Monsanto It is hardly...
WATCH: Janette McKinlay, 9/11 Survivor at Ground Zero
Janette McKinley lived just a few blocks from the World Trade Center complex in NYC. When the towers collapsed...
WATCH: Robert F. Kennedy’s Speech Mourning Martin Luther King Jr.
On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee. New York's Senator Robert F...
WATCH: The Weaponisation of Social Media
Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt...