Restrictions on how digital rubles can be spent will be gradually introduced after the Bank of Russia’s CBDC enters mass circulation, Anatoly Aksakov, head of the State Duma Committee...
There was a fight in the Oval Office! Former actor and comedian President Zelensky and former reality television presenter Donald Trump went at it. Trump made fun of his...
There is history worth remembering as Trump is lauded in certain circles on the so-called “right” and “left” as a peacemaker with Russia over the US/NATO proxy war against...
Sberbank CEO and Davos gospel thumper Herman Gref dreams of a happy Russia free from the shackles of cash and debit cards; a safe, convenient Russia where commerce is conducted with...
Traditionally, OffG’s New Year predictions are a special edition of This Week, but 2025 looks to have such a full dance card, we thought a series more appropriate. How...
In the two days since Damascus fell to the “liberating” rebels, the Syria situation has moved on apace. Bashar al-Assad and his family – rumoured to have been in...
In his 1959 classic book, The Sociological Imagination, the American sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote that ordinary people are often reduced to moral stasis and feel trapped and overwhelmed by...
The press is reporting that President Biden gave his permission for Ukrainian forces to fire US-made missiles into Russia. Russia confirms one such launch, claiming to have shot most...
One thing that is consistent about the blood-sucking globalist vampires—they have an irresistible urge to tell you what they are going to do. Their policy of hiding things in plain...
Klaus Schwab is on suicide watch after Russia’s central bank announced on Thursday that it is preparing for the large-scale implementation of the digital ruble, colloquially known in the Global South...
Rolling out of my crib before dawn today (I was in it long before the charlatans Harris and Trump began their theatrical “debate”), it being another September 11th, I...
Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems! Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about...
“With a click, with a shock Phone’ll jingle, door’ll knock, open the latch Something’s coming, don’t know when but it’s soon…” “Something’s Coming,” lyrics by S. Sondheim, music by...
Now, I was looking at the cabbage. It was $7.29. It is true. The cabbage, a tiny little thing compared to the cabbages I remember flourishing in the fields...
Praising the “efficiency and functionality” of the Bank of Russia’s CBDC, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed his government on Wednesday to prepare for the widespread introduction of the digital...
Two major incidents in the last week suggest we might be about to see a change in the narrative surrounding the Russian war in Ukraine. First we saw Piers...
As expected, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was the hottest anti-globalist multipolar traditional RETVRN values conference of 2024—possibly of all-time. The unipolar world suffered non-stop humiliations during this mind-blowing...
The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be. Two weeks ago the...