CJ Hopkins It feels like it’s finally over, doesn’t it, the whole “apocalyptic pandemic” thing? I mean, really, really over this time. Not like all those other times when...
Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! The “tripledemic” is upon us, according to the mainstream media. What is a “tripledemic”, you ask? Apparently, it’s when we have simultaneous pandemics...
Riley Waggaman Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) recently released maternal mortality figures for 2021. The numbers raise some questions. 482 expectant mothers died in Russia last year—up from 161 in...
Edward Curtin “We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!” T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men” When many people share thoughts, speech,...
Kit Knightly A few days ago, on Halloween, the Atlantic ran this opinion piece by economist Emily Oster, headlined: LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY This, along with the sub-head…...
Kit Knightly We at OffG – and many of our fellow alt media sites – have been reporting for over a year now that the Covid “vaccination” campaign will...
Todd Hayen “Sheep, I don’t know what’s wrong with sheep these days.” (sung to the tune of Kids! from the musical Bye Bye Birdie). So what else is new?...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
OffG editor Kit Knightly joins Jesse Zurawell on Perspective to discuss where our resistance to the global “new normal” nightmare currently stands, with daily bombardment of spectacular narratives and...
Mark Crispin Miller As many of you know, four days ago the excellent Riley Waggaman spelled out, in clear detail, the painful history of Russia’s recent “vaccination” mandate for...
Catte Black A short while ago Riley Waggaman, a fairly frequent contributor to OffG wrote an article alleging that the Sputnik V shot was compulsory for all military personnel,...
CJ Hopkins This is the weirdest part of the PSYOP. It’s like the morning after an office party on which you wake up almost terminally hungover to hazy memories...
Todd Hayen There is so much arm flapping going on from us shrews to get sheep attention that it can become rather annoying. I have used the Chicken Little...
Todd Hayen Vultures are birds that seek out wounded animals about to die and then swoop down on them when they are dead (or close to death) and devour...
Riley Waggaman A reader recently alerted me to an intriguing article published by Thomas Röper, the curator of Anti-Spiegel. In it, Röper argues that Ernst Wolff—an authoritative voice on Great Reset...
Todd Hayen Sometime earlier this year (2022) the fearporn seemed to start to wane. Mandates started to relax, masks started to disappear, “social distancing” decals started to come up...
Kit Knightly The latest figures from the UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) suggest that the knock-on effects of lockdown may be harming more people than “Covid” ever did,...
Riley Waggaman This is Part I of an ongoing series, “Putin & COVID.” Parts II, III, IV are already available on Riley’s substack. What role has Putin played in...