The parallel universe the legacy media insist we’re living in

Catte Black

Hey people, are you seeing this? You might have less money, more debt, massive energy bills, your chickens might be about to be culled, your car rendered unusable, your...

OffG’s New Look


Hi all. As you will probably notice OffG has just undergone a fairly extensive update. Lots of new functionality, and (we hope) more user-friendly interface. The “latest” posts are...

OffG Site Update

Hi all, OffG is getting a fairly major overhaul! So later today we will be going into maintenance mode while we pop the hood & do some much needed...

Peacocks Paradise

Sylvia Shawcross Come with me now down this path. It is a path soft with the fallen frailties of the forest, rusted leaves and bits of seeds and twisted...

China’s “summer Davos” 2023

Next month the World Economic Forum will be hosting its “Summer Davos” in Tianjin, China. Described as the “Annual Meeting of the New Champions”, this has been an important...

Ukraine in the time of Covid

Catte Black The biggest mistake the elites made with the scamdemic was to let us see what good buddies they really are, because this instantly and inadvertently presented the...

Is “escaping Twitter moderation” a bad thing?

Max Blumenthal pointed out to us a few days ago that OFFG gets a nice little mention in the Paul Mason emails – apparently we are deeply sus for...

A new way to support OffG

Hi all – after many requests, we have finally implemented a direct bank transfer system for those many people who have said they want to support us but (understandably)...

The Myth of the “Infallible Elite”

Catte Black A commenter BTL called Petra made this claim recently in regard to the conspirators behind 9/11 etc. All glaring anomalies are deliberate examples of “revelation of the...

UPDATED! “my name is…& I refuse”: voices of resistance to the New Normal

Author and OffG contributor CJ Hopkins yesterday launched a powerful response on Twitter to the developing social and medical apartheid we are witnessing. It is now being taken up...

Syrian Civilians Attacked by Terrorists using American Weapons

Vanessa Beeley in Idlib UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres celebrated the extension of a “humanitarian” border crossing at Bab Al Hawa, on July 10th, as a “lifeline for millions...

SARS-CoV-2 pet vaccine roll-out is psychological warfare against Humanity

Vanessa Beeley “Science is a dangerous gift unless it can be brought into contact with wisdom that resides in the sensual, intuitive and ethical aspects of our nature. For...

The ‘New Normal’ Lexicon

Ian Jenkins Extracts from ‘The New Normal Lexicon’ by Greta Reset, Professor of Neology at Schwabgate University. * Mask eye: the nasty beady-eyed glare, a mix of hatred and...

Locusts; or A Tale of Monstrous Foolishness

Catte Black One day in a land far away and a time long gone a Priest came to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and said…...

UPDATED: “Trump Supporters” (Allegedly) Storm the Capitol

Social media companies censoring Donald Trump. Democrats request Pence remove Trump from office. Video appears to show police ushering protesters into Capitol. Trump’s social media blocked, certification appears to...

UK DEFRA gassing chickens?

The Ice Age Farmer channel is reporting anecdotal claims of localised chicken culls in the UK, focused on small or medium producers, allegedly in response to Bird Flu, but...

What Time Is It in Lockdown?

Ed Curtin Here where I dwell in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice has just occurred. The darkest day of the year in a dark year. A few days...

Review: Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a Born-Again Jew

Steve Lipman A review of Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a Born-Again Jew, by Michael Lesher. Published by Lincoln Square Books The typical Jew-who-has-found-the-light-and-discovers-God book follows a familiar...

Comments closing for 24 hours from 4pm GMT!

Hi guys – title says it all. Pursuant to our move to a new server, comments will be closing today at 4pm GMT (11am EST). They are likely to...

“Time for bed” says Corona

Samuel May The numbers of positive tests – henceforth to be known as ‘cases’ apparently – has recently EXPLODED, coincidentally after a lot of testing has been done. Has...