The Great Reset: The end of Capitalism as we know it

Sean Stinson To suggest that there has been an overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic may be the understatement of the century. The spark that began as a rational fear...

Why this campaign of terror?

Gillian Dymond In the morning, the world is as the world should be.  The sun rises, as predicted for this part of England in early December, at around twenty...

Partly Truth and Partly Fiction – Totally Genius: Kris Kristofferson

Edward Curtin He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity’s sun rise. –...

The Myth of Overpopulation

This has been a personal bugbear of mine since I grew old enough to detect subtext, but long before I could articulate exactly why: The pervasive and destructive idea...

Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire

Cat McGuire & Colleen McGuire With a title like The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie, it appears Naomi Klein is trying too hard to recapture her prowess at defining a...

Coronavirus Fact-Check #9: Is the vaccine safe?

So - is the vaccine safe? The only rational answer is "we don't know". In the final analysis, you have to ask yourself a simple question: Do you feel...

WATCH: Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine)

Oracle Films, a Bristol-based production company, has released a video called Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine), uploaded on 7 December. The video, made in collaboration with Fiona Hine, Founder...

Trump Exits Somalia

Binoy Kampmark These are things that might have been done earlier. During the last, flickering days of the Trump administration, activity is being witnessed across countries which have a...

Where’s the Hitler?

CJ Hopkins All right, that’s it. I’ve run out of patience. No more excuses. Where’s the Hitler? Yes, you heard me. I’m talking to you. You respectable journalists and...

Dissenting Voices: Finding Courage to Speak Against Your Assailant

Christine E. Black A man in a white lab coat with advanced degrees in medicine sexually abused hundreds of young girl gymnasts in his office, sometimes while their parents...

Occupation By COVID: Palestine As a Viral Export, 2020

Michael Lesher As the year 2020 expires in an embattled welter of politicized suffering, I feel I need to address my fellow advocates for Palestinian rights, too many of...

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer

Edward Curtin “They call my people the White Lower Middle Class these days. It is an ugly, ice-cold phrase, the result, I suppose, of the missionary zeal of those...

This Week in the Guardian #18

Every week we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation. We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come...

WATCH: Your Guide to the Great Monetary Reset

Do you know what it means when the Managing Director of the IMF warns of a “new Bretton Woods moment?” How about when the head of the BIS revels...

Together But Falling Apart

Alex Bartlett 2020 staggers on, each month becoming more bleak, tiresome and increasingly onerous. In the early winter months we paid scant attention to the Coronavirus story developing in...

WATCH: Trump’s Censored Speech

On Wednesday, December 2nd Donald Trump – the sitting President of the United State of America – released a 46 minute recorded speech. In an alarming display of co-ordinated...

7 Things That Used to Be “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”….Until 2020 Happened

Daisy Luther Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when anyone who talked about microchip implants, Americans being forced to show travel papers, and re-education camps was...

Fascist Kabuki

John Steppling “There is no question that most television is a waste of time. The people connected with it realize how bad programming is and go ahead with their...

5 Burning Questions About the New Covid Vaccine

With the newest phase in the Covid19 roll-out set to begin, it's time we addressed the five biggest questions about this vaccine, its effectiveness, its safety and whether or...

Covid-19 & Celebrity Humanitarianism

On the 12th November 2020, an article appeared in the Daily Mail about three powerful men sharing a beach holiday: Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Hollywood’s Sean Penn and the reclusive...