In the best traditions of marketing and public relations, the vaccine rollout is employing every strategy they can think of. The desperation is palpable.
America committed a war crime last night. Another one. We’re so used to it happening that we’ve installed a special filter – one reaction for when America bombs someone,...
The scary red numbers are all going down. Check any newspaper or covid tracking website you want. Cases. Deaths. Hospitalisations. They’re all going down, sharply, and have been for...
It is a rushed and untested vaccine, made using unprecedented technology, with no legal recourse should it do you harm, to treat a virus 99.8 of people will survive....
Sometimes something is just so unfair you have to take a moment to correct the record: Gina Carano didn’t say anything racist, and was not fired for saying anything...
Yes, a coup. Call it what it was. Ignore what the part of your mind that has been subconsciously conditioned to American exceptionalism says. Ignore the brainwashing that associates...
Kit Knightly It’s been a busy first week for the 46th President of the United States, there are the 20,000 troops occupying the capital city to organise, as well...
The World Health Organisation has released a memorandum which potentially completely undermines all the “pandemic” case numbers from all over the world. On the 13th of January, they put...
Our current definition of "free speech" is outdated, no longer fit for purpose in the internet era, and potentially dangerous to democracy...according to a chorus of voices across the...
Do you think the same architecture that just publically castrated the "most powerful man on Earth" and the "leader of the free world" will suddenly start doing what it's...
The US Congress has voted on impeachment articles against President Donald Trump. Again. This time for “incitement of violence”, although neither the incitement, nor the violence, really appear to...
The media are already spinning a narrative around the events in Washington DC. One that bears no resemblance to reality, does not hold up to any kind of scrutiny...
Kit Knightly The World Health Organization has changed the definition of “herd immunity” on the Covid section of their website, inserting the claim that it is a “concept used...
The US congress just passed their Covid stimulus bill, or the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” to give its official title. So what’s actually inside it? What has just been...
Kit Knightly So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence...
This has been a personal bugbear of mine since I grew old enough to detect subtext, but long before I could articulate exactly why: The pervasive and destructive idea...